Machining Capabilities
- In Top Grafit, we are capable to machine wide range of graphite materials, such as isostatic pressed, molded, extruded, vibrated, CFC materials, graphite insulations and rigid felt boards etc. Besides machining, we provide purification and impregnation of graphite parts and materials.

Basic machining capabilities:
- Saw Cutting – up to L=3400mm, W=1525mm, H=1200mm
- Lathe Turning – conventional, max. Ø1500 by 4000mm length
- Lathe Turning – CNC, max. Ø1000 by 1150mm length
- Milling – conventional, X – 1500mm, Y – 600mm, Z – 870mm, rotating table Ø1400mm with the milling capacity up to Ø1900 by max.400mm height
- Milling – CNC machining centre with the milling capacity X – 2130mm, Y – 1015mm, Z – 800mm
- Five-axis machining with rotating table and computer interface